Strange days, the weeks around Christmas and new years. I find it difficult to keep motivated due to the disruption in schedule (and a nice cold I’m working on – achoo!) Certainly not a time to start anything new. So I thought I’d review:
- Finally finished gathering comments on my first draft and started proper rewrites!
- Took two online classes: organizational skills for disorganized writers and a Hearts Through History class on writing the sensual evocative experience
- Attended multiple meetings with my critique group to critique and be critiqued in turn.
- Got valuable feedback on the first 50 pages from some beta readers (thanks y’all!)
- Met with my local HNS chapter peeps
- Appeared on a podcast talking about Rudolf II
- Wrote a guest blog post on the Loch Ness Monster
For the coming year:
- Attend the HNS conference in June
- Have a proper second draft in time for this conference if it kills me
- To this end, write a bit every day, even if it kills me
- Keep meeting with critiquers and critiquing in turn
- Guest blog post(s?)
And this is just off the top of my stuffy head.
Happy holidays to those that celebrate. Don’t worry, I’ll see you one more time before the new year, with a tidy link dump for next Wednesday.
It’s definitely been a very busy (mostly in a good way) year for you … hope 2017 brings you the same quality of highlights in your life.