Strange Angel Trailer: Sex, Magick, and Rocket Science: at last we get a glimpse of this historical fiction tv show about rocket scientist cum occultist Jack Parsons, based on a “too weird to be true” story.
Occult Voices – Paranormal Music, Recordings of unseen Intelligences 1905-2007: includes “trance speech, direct voices, clairvoyance, xenoglossy, glossolia including ethnological material, paranormal music, “rappings” and other poltergeist manifestations as well as so-called “Electronic voice phenomena”. Of note: Aleister Crowley speaking in Enochian.
The South’s Own Loch Ness Monster?: after the kerfluffle earlier this year of something unidentified washing up on a Georgia beach we get a full article about Altahama-a or “Altie”. I’d heard of it, but not in detail and I’m tickled that a historical fiction writer is weaving the creature into one of his books.