I have crap organizational skills.
Oh, I can do it when I have to, of course, but it’s always an aggravating extra step. I’m not a natural list maker. My clean laundry can stay on the guest bed for weeks. But some jobs are so large that the imposition of a defined order is required. And it’s maddening.

As a newbie writer I’m still working out the best way to collect all critique/beta reader feedback in one place so I can easily refer to it while editing the current* draft.
Some is digital and some is paper. I’ve tried volleying back and forth between 3 hard copies (so far) and multiple Word windows and it’s too confusing.
I’ve handwritten everything on my own printed version and while I have everything in one place I still have to drag a phone-book sized binder around with my laptop. The only places big enough to spread everything are my dining room table and the public library.
So as a last resort I’m going to try adding it all to the current Word** draft as comments. Best of both digital and print.
I hope.
*I hesitate to say “third”. Some parts have had more drafts/are more “done” than others.
**The last draft was restructuring, and Scrivener’s “index cards” functionality was great for moving scenes around easily. Now that I’ve solidified the sequence I want to view it as a whole. That, and a single Word doc is just easier to send to people.
Can’t offer any useful suggestions on how to have all your multiple files/versions/notes/edits coordinated, aside from finding an alternate universe where Barbara Gordon is real and getting her to set a system up for you. Can off that I dump the clean laundry on MY bed. That way when I stagger into the bedroom, ready to sleep, I’m forced to put it away in order to crash. Have ensured I have no other place to put it; bedside tables and dresser already have stuff on them (books, emergency quilts, not-put-away jewelry, hair wrangling hardware, etc.) and the only other option is chucking it on the floor or back into the hampers, which kinda defeats the whole clean clothes thing. I’ve become very good at pairing, folding, stashing, and hanging with my eyes closed and brain shutting down. ;p