I’ve not walked much this week due to pollen – my eyes have itched most of the week. But in the interest of keeping my car battery charged I took a drive around the neighborhood.
Everything is in bloom now: what was just a mist of green buds on the trees are full leaves now. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom and it was nice to see them, as the Cherry Blossom Festival is largely canceled .
Though, a good chunk of the festival has gone virtual and it’s not the only event that’s bringing the outside world inside. As I type this I’m finally going to the (virtual) Haçienda, 30 years after my pseudo-goth teenage self got turned away at the doors of the real deal.
The county is requiring face masks while shopping as of Monday. My husband stocked up on masks back in January when covid19 was a blip on almost no one’s radar, but given that healthcare professionals need any surgical-grade PPE available I’m considering switching my mask making efforts from respirator covers to masks for the public. Though save one friend who asked for some, I’ve got no idea how to get these to anyone.
Tangentially, masks might be required but there are crickets on where these masks are supposed to come from. Though I’ve got a pretty good idea. In this instance, I don’t mind. I CAN sew and have time to do so and these are people’s lives. I can set my feminism aside for now, on this subject.
On free (“free”?) time: without a commute and working from home I’ve strangely got more of it. I can take a 10-minute break from my laptop to pin some things together/sew a few seams, fold some laundry, or continue reorganizing the Blu-Ray collection. All of these things that fell by the wayside a month ago.
But while according to my Fitbit housework burns more calories than I expected I’m still not getting anywhere as much exercise as I need, weekly Facetime-linked footwork notwithstanding. My clothes are tighter, I’m more sluggish, and more irritable. Maybe dancing around the house to the virtual Haçienda rave will burn off some of this angst.