I’ve not worn makeup or contact lenses in over a month.
I desperately need a haircut but am not to the point of DIY head shaving (yet?). I’m trying hats and headbands first. Maybe I’ll just go with a Tudor headrail for the duration.
Getting days and nights turned around over the weekend is entirely too easy, and only telework keeps me aware of what day it is. The wonky weather has me turned around as to what season it is.
I almost forgot my birthday is tomorrow.
Happy tomorrow birthday! (just in case my own fuzzy brain forgets)
Still working three days in, one remote, and work is closed on all April Fridays so that gives me some awareness of what day it is. And I learned long ago that varying my weekend days too much from my weekdays is a very bad thing for me to do; my body and brain take forever to learn a good habit but about three seconds to undo all that and learn a bad one. So remote days are no alarm clock but I wake not too long after it would have gone off; natural waking versus alarm waking make a huge difference to me so I’m sometimes logged in and working before my official start time because brain is all gung ho awake!
Won’t necessarily be showered until afternoon or evening though. Hair was whacked off to jaw length shortly before Christmas and is just starting to brush my shoulders now. Downside is the longer it gets = the heavier it gets so it straightens under its own weight and seems to get longer faster. By the time hot weather is here it’ll be long enough to twist and pin up and show off my natural tri-colour again.