learning by critiquing

True to my promise I’ve been critiquing/beta reading online and off during my break from the second draft. I’m grateful to the writers who are letting me read their works in progress. It takes nerve to share one’s writing and even more when it’s still in draft form.

After a month or so I started to notice patterns. It seems* that some errors happen across the board, regardless of genre or the writer’s experience. Seeing them elsewhere only highlights them in my own work:

No one cares about my research/”inside baseball”. I suspect histfic is more vulnerable to this because of the research needed** to understand the time period, but it’s easy to go overboard with tiny details that don’t contribute to the story. Readers aren’t interested in a room-by-room description of Dee’s home Mortlake and its number and type of servants; they’ll care that Jane Dee has problems keeping the ancient pile in good repair and getting the servants to behave.

Avoid jargon/specialized language unless I define it up front. Or at least give massive hints in context. Do you know what an athanors, pelicans, or bain maries are? I don’t want my readers to have to keep referring to Google to figure out what an alchemy lab looks like.

A story isn’t a just a blow-by-blow of activity. The séances might be line-by-line accurate to Dee’s diaries but that means nothing if I don’t show Edward Kelley’s extreme stress in making up everything on the fly. Readers won’t care – hell, I won’t care – unless he reflects, panics, and schemes over his flagrant BSing.

Select words with care to avoid repetition/adverb overload. Too often I lean on either restating or on my character doing something quickly, stupidly, angrily, etc. when if I just use better words the mood will come across. This is why my next step is reading the whole thing out loud, with red pen at the ready to strike through any unnecessary -lys.

photo of cat chasing invisible prey
Actual footage of a -ly hunt. Via Giphy.

*No hedging: get on with it already! See, I did it right there! Seems, appears, starting to, about to, thinking about, almost did: these slow things down when the all the reader wants is for characters to do things and stuff to happen. Except for rare exceptions of hesitation or second guessing (and gads, Edward has enough of those) these have no place in my prose.

**Passivity is a penalty: In fencing as well as prose. My tendency to convey events as having no cause is due to long years writing business emails and impersonal technical instructions. There are probably a few in every one of my blog posts despite my best efforts. “Dee was fooled” must turn into “Edward fooled Dee (more than once). Ditto “the money was spent” = “Dee spent it all” (all too often). I don’t even know how I’ll find all of these, let alone get rid of them.

soldiers from Starship Troopers. Text: Kill them. Kill them all.

What about you? If you write, what’s on your “search and destroy” list for your next edit? If you read, what errors make you wince if they’re not caught***?

***More passivity. Yellow card (which is fencing “inside baseball”).

biweekly links 3-14-2018

Happy spring (or, at least, happy daylight savings time. Yeah, it’s dark in the morning but it’s light enough for me to take a walk after work)! After an inadvertent week off due to flaky laptop I present a passel of links:

Found in South Philadelphia, an Underground Railroad station: even without the association with Harriet Tubman this is a significant historic site. I agree with the historian who advocates elevating symbols of emancipation even as we tear down memorials to the Confederacy.

Alchemy, flushing toilets and blood-letting: The secrets of medieval Oxford revealed: the pot of mercury is all well and good but I’m more excited about the array of writing implements found. A solid lead pencil! “Parchment prickers”, whatever those are! And for the life of me I can’t find a photo of the elusive “vellum scissors”.

17 Rare Pics Reveal A Fake Rooftop Town Built To Hide Boeing’s Factory From Japanese Air Strikes: I think myself a history buff yet I’d never heard of this! An entire fake city built to protect American fighter plane production during WWII.

Support the Terence McKenna archives! If you’re so inclined. I’ve not followed McKenna’s career closely but I’m all about efforts to preserve and transcript data for easy searchability.

page to screen: Babylon Berlin

Is the book always better than the movie (or tv show)? Sometimes, maybe even often. Sometimes they’re just different.

Much as I love to read I’m a sucker for spectacle, and I first heard about Babylon Berlin in the context of its recreation of 1920s superclub Moka Efti. A Google later revealed the show’s based on a series of historical crime novels, so I decided to do my homework before the show debuted in January. I’ve enjoyed both, though they’re different creatures.

The books are a standard crime procedural from a single point of view, that of Detective Gereon Rath.  Most of what I know of Weimar Germany comes from “Cabaret” so the story is a revelation of the grime under the glamour. Much of the “action” is Rath’s sleuthing and suspicions, review and realizations. This close perspective is involving to read but would likely be tedious to view.

Which is why the tv series is more of an ensemble piece: inevitable because it’s impossible to convey the characters’ inner world on screen. This “outside looking in” inherently leads to numerous side stories and subplots (some say too much, but yo, Weimar Germany was messy and scary). The writers expanded and altered some backstories (some quite a bit) but they’re still true to the characters and time/place.

Woman in male drag singing on a stage
Russian spy Svetlana Sorokina is one of many book characters expanded on in the tv series. This is her guise as cabaret singer “Psycho Nikoros”. I want ALL HER COSTUMES. Except for the mustache (that must itch). Via Tumblr [tangentially: BB screencaps are rarer than hen’s teeth. Get right on that internet!]
I think both versions of Babylon Berlin work because they stay true to the corruption, vice, “grit beneath the glitz, no truly good guys” vibe of the books.

two animated men nodding their heads saying: Both. Both is good.

I think the trope of “book is always better than the movie” comes about when screenwriters aren’t true to the characters, or try to make up rules/ignore established rules for the world in which the story takes place.

What about you? Already have your favorite book cast with your favorite actors, or run screaming from any and all movie versions? Or does the movie occasionally improve upon the book (Blade Runner. Fight me)?

biweekly links 2-21-2018

David Mack Guest Post–“Beautiful Lies: Facts vs. Story in Secret History Fiction”: “Secret-history stories propose the idea that mysterious events and unknown forces have helped to influence and shape the history we take for granted.” So at last I have a description for my genre! Mack has some sensible things to say about how far histfic authors should depart from fact, depending on how “literary” the fiction and the emotional weight of the facts.

The Magic of Love and Sex: in which supermarket checkout mags’ sex tips aren’t that different from medieval magical tomes promises of love. Mind, Cosmo never tells you how to achieve invisibility and have sex with spirits.

yellow painted cloud on dark blue background
“Vague Intellectual Pleasure” from 1901’s “Thought-Forms” by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, an early, mystically-tinged examination of synesthesiaMore about the book from the Public Domain Review; full book at Project Gutenberg.

Is Humanity Ready for the Discovery of Alien Life?: Scientific American says it depends; I just wonder if aliens are ready for humanity.

art for art’s sake

The second draft is now safely in the hands of multiple beta readers and I’m now out of my “what do I do now?” stupor. So as I promised myself years ago I’m indulging in a sewing project (or two). New research + changed shape = I need new sixteenth century stays, so I’m raiding my fabric stash.

photo of pattern draft for a piece of historical costume. It kinda looks like a pair of rabbit ears.
Yeah, I’m critiquing too but you can’t really take a picture of that, so have a weirdly shaped muslin instead. Photo author’s own.

I’m going to use a nicer fabric than above, though stays are a foundation garment and never show. Not sure when I’m going to wear them next, either: I’ve not had much opportunity to dress up since last fall’s renaissance festival.

So why go to all the trouble of fitting and refitting with junk fabric for something no one’s ever going to see that I may not get to wear anytime soon?

Because utility isn’t the point. The result isn’t even the point, though I’ll make them as well as my skills allow.

No, it’s the experience of making.

Planning. Problem solving. Experimentation. Ripping it up and starting again, if necessary. Abandoning a project if I work myself into a corner because not everything works out. Always learning something, for good or ill. And, of course, fun.

Kind of like writing, that way.

I don’t know what’s going to become of these stays, or of the book. Maybe I’ll ruin perfectly good silk on something that won’t fit or look good. Maybe I’ve spent the past 4 years on a 300+ page turkey. Neither would be fun, and in the case of the book it’d break my little black heart if the second draft is unsalvageable.

But it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. Even failed projects are practice for the one that succeeds. Or so I keep telling myself.




biweekly links 2-7-2018

A Mexican dog in an early modern menagerie: I knew the Xoloitzcuintli (say that ten times real fast) were ancient but didn’t stop to think about when they found their way to the Old World. Despite this painting’s fuzzy provenance I find it entirely plausible that it’s a painting of one belonging to Rudolf II – he collected everything else, why not hairless dogs? Unfortunate factoid: more than a few sightings of the cryptozoological chupacabra are likely pitiably mangy xoloitzcuintli.

Mexican hairless dog looking straight at the camera. Has a sharp white and tan strip of fur down the center of its head
Not a chupacabra, but certainly badass with its little doggie mohawk. Courtesy Tumblr.

AI May Have Finally Decoded The Bizarre, Mysterious ‘Voynich Manuscript’: color me intrigued, though I’d be surprised if this was the first time someone threw modern tech at the problem (anyone, anyone, Bueller?). To my untutored mind it’s impressive that the AI’s algorithm gets known languages right 97% of the time until I remember that these are already known. The folks at CipherMysteries aren’t impressed and explain why in exhaustive detail far above my pay grade. Check out their latest Voynich round-up post if you want to go even further into the weeds.

Grieve The Capital: Derek Jarman’s Jubilee Turns 40: how sad is it that I’ve only ever seen fragments of this movie? Given that it has so many things I like (punk, Adam Ant, time travel, John Dee) and I find myself with free time perhaps the 40th anniversary is as good a reason as any to track down a copy.

at loose ends

So I’ve got my book with beta readers. What now?


No, really, what now? For the first time in four(!) years I’ve not had the Work In Progress breathing down my neck (I didn’t take much time away between the first and second drafts) and it’s deeply strange. Not mourning or melancholy, but a kind of like an engine running to go nowhere. I need to feed my hungry mind.

The standard writers’ response is: start the next book! Which is smart career-wise and certainly possible as my plot idea folder is overflowing. But I need a break from long-form writing. Blogging and book reviews will continue cranking out as scheduled. Hell, maybe I’ll do some discovery writing or toss out a fanfic just for giggles.

I promised myself a sewing project so I’m trying to do that, but find myself wheel-spinning because I have too many options. Good thing I need new measurements because I can put off making a decision.

One thing I am doing is sticking to my resolution to learn by doing and be useful while I’m doing so. To these ends I’m critiquing and beta reading as I’m asked and able. I’ve given Scribophile a lot of attention and need to get back to my local writer’s group.

What about you? Ever feel like an engine raring to go without a map?

biweekly links 1-24-2018: commerce witchcraft

All of these potential additions to the extended weird section conveniently popped up in my Google Alerts this week. Never shopped with any of these so I make no claims re: quality or customer service. I just share the joy:

Hexcellent News: Occult Bookstore Catland Is Launching a Magazine: Catland BooksVenefica will be a “celebration of Brooklyn arts and occulture”. First issue coming in the spring; as of 1/18 they were still accepting submissions.

Get your senses going at the Magickal Pathways in Newton: New Jersey shop offering witchcraft supplies and classes.

The Thorn And Moon Magickal Market Offers Magic for the Daring: First Fridays of the month in Houston; if you can’t make it they have an Etsy store.

Mail-order magic: the rise of subscription witchcraft: wow, everyone’s getting in on this subscription box thing! UK article but most of the featured boxes ship internationally.

Black and white newsprint ad of a woman in 1970s Charlie's Angel hair hair holding a cat: The Academy of Mystic Arts Invites You to: Become A Witch!
Mind, weird-by-mailorder is nothing new-hell, the ads sprinkled through the old “Fate” magazine were half the fun! This one’s from the July 1973 issue; find more of the same at Archive.org’s Pulp Magazine Archive.

fairies don’t exist…or do they?

The Cottingley SecretThe Cottingley Secret by Hazel Gaynor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Apropos that 1) this should come out on in the centennial of the hoax* and 2) that I should be reading it this year as well (I’ve been on the library wait list for a while and my turn finally came around).

I first learned of the Cottingley Fairies through “Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World”. This book is a delightful speculation about how the hoax came to be and a study of how a seemingly innocuous prank can go wildly out of control.

The two timelines are easy to follow – I admit I preferred the historical one to the present day one, but they intersected nicely. (view spoiler)

*Frances Griffiths really did maintain to the end that “…there were fairies up there, or there were then. There aren’t now.” (ACCMW [YouTube] 19:17)

View all my reviews

the finish line (may cut my head off)

OMG. OMG. As of this post I’m down to the last eight scenes in my second draft(!) This is wonderful. This is terrifying.

I’ve spent 3 days trying to congeal my anxiety into a post while John Adamus nails my mood in 140 characters.

Nonetheless, my own blatherings: Second draft = putting the whole thing in front of beta readers time. Structural errors that I could excuse as “covered in another chapter” when readers only read excerpts will now be writ large. Shallow emotions, poor cause and effect, loose ends, red herrings: all will be glaringly obvious in context.

I know – it’s why one has beta readers. I’m just nervous that these errors won’t only reveal what I need to fix but what I can’t. Maybe because it’s beyond my ability. Maybe because who am I to write about people like I understand how they work, how dare I?


In short, I’m afraid of what the story will say about me as a person, rather than about my ability to write.

A wise friend once told me about my fencing that no single competition defines one’s worth as a fencer or as a person–a crucial distinction for me as I too often conflate what I do with who I am. It’s no different with writing. If my book sucks it doesn’t mean I’m an awful person.

But if it sucks too badly to salvage it does mean I’ve spent four years on a cold, dead turkey. Which is a lovely “learning experience” but it sure as hell won’t feel like it.

But at the end of my chat with Mr. Adamus he posed the question:

The goal is making this book as good as I can before seeking a professional editor. But to do that I need other eyes to notice the things I can’t anymore.

I’m going to get there by [cringe] putting it out there and letting beta readers rip it to shreds. Even if it hurts. Even if they tell me things I don’t want to hear.

What about you? In your endeavors, do you ever freeze to a point that you just can’t finish what you started? How did you move past it?