not so fast

Per yesterday’s post, the story I’m playing with is based on historical figures/events (with some significant changes). So for giggles I’m checking out other fiction written about these folks.

…only to discover that another author already seems to have been playing with the same themes I am considering.

I only beat myself up briefly because I think I’m still taking a different tack, but is it a mistake to see what else has already been said? I worry about unconscious plagiarizing or editing myself before I write a word just to make sure I’m not.

Teeming masses:

If other describe in the comments.


Very much to my surprise, I find myself writing something original.

Well, not completely, but this time it’s historically inspired. No real plot as yet, but 3 potential characters are stumbling out of the mist.

I’m doing a lot of reading about the world these characters inhabit. So far it looks like there’s plenty of room for conflict, confusion, fear, adventure, and sex.

As I read on I realize that to do any historic fiction justice will require a lot of research. The fact that I find this exciting rather than daunting tells me that I’m on the right track.

tighten up

I’ve been writing again for the last few months. Nothing original and nothing great, but I’ve been enjoying it and getting decent feedback.

So I’m thinking it might be worthwhile to get some instruction with an eye towards creating something original instead of playing in others’ sandboxes.

To this end, I’m doing some basic reading on fiction writing and looking for an online creative writing course once Nationals is over.

I don’t have anything I particularly want to share outside it’s relevant ‘verse, but if you’re genuinely curious PM me. I mostly leave this note here so y’all will hold me to account (like bug me at the end of July to make sure I’ve found a class)!