revisiting tarot

For all my interest in the strange and unusual, I don’t have much experience with it. I’ve never been “intuitive” or “empathetic” or whatever else people call Colin Wilson’s Faculty X.  I’ve never seen or experienced anything I can’t explain.

So what am I doing with all these tarot cards?

a spread of tarot cards in bright primary colors. The most visible card is The Emperor, featuring a king wearing purple with a crown on a blue background
I’m currently using my Tarot of the Witches deck, a gift from my mother. They’re small and slick enough to shuffle easily.

My parents got me my first deck as a birthday gift when I was in high school, a classic Rider Waite deck (which ought to be called the Rider-Waite-Smith deck). I suspect they had my grandmother’s help, she of the “Fate” magazine subscription with their eclectic back-page classifieds. Where else would one find such things before the internet put everything a only click away?

I was fascinated, in large part by the artwork. The Rider Waite might look a bit flat compared to some of the glossier decks out there (Dali, David Bowie, Dave McKean)* but the outlines are clear, the symbols easy to see. Still, I love variations on a theme so I’ve accumulated a couple more decks over the years.

I never tried to use them for divination, not seriously. Sure, I tried to memorize the meanings and learned a layout or two. But I don’t think I ever believed any of my results. Nothing ever seemed to pan out, even though the meanings were broad enough to interpret however I wanted.

But tarot are good for other things – specifically, shaking up the creative impulse.

Author and tarot designer Kris Waldherr‘s session at the Historical Novel Society conference was a compressed version of her extended tarot workshops, and the first time I’ve seen tarot presented as a tool for accessing and activating creativity. Cards can be used as inspiration, as story-structuring (the Major Arcana itself is a story cycle of major archetypes), casting character readings, and more.

But what I’ve found most useful is that the cards jog my right brain. The flexibility of interpretation invites me to make things up about any given card’s meaning or imagery. The symbols get me out of my plodding, linear thinking. Sometimes just looking at the artwork instead of words rests my mind long enough for something to float to the surface.

Asking them questions is useful as well. Never good for a simple “yes” or “no”, layouts help me get at ideas and answers that I already knew but couldn’t quite articulate.

So I view tarot as a less of an oracle** that works in mysterious ways and more as a tool to get at my subconscious.

Much as I love the pretty decks, I’ve found a version of the Rider Waite with meanings printed on the card so I don’t have to break off and look them up!

*Links to specific decks don’t imply endorsement, just personal interest.

**Fun fact: all tarot are oracle cards, but not all oracle cards are tarot. I found a John Dee oracle a while back that I ought to give another look, but one thing at a time.


biweekly links 6-13-2018

How did it get to be June already?

How Tudor slander courts left us with some fabulous insults: nobody throws shade like an angry Tudor (see also here and here) but the offended gave as good as they got.

A story of survival: New York’s last remaining independent bookshops: having recently spent a pleasant hour in a new-to-me local(ish) used book store I’m reminded again why I love independent bookstores. Sanctuary and support of community are all well and good but there’s also the factor of serendipity – finding something you never knew existed, or never thought you’d find. Please feel free to share your own favorite indie bookstores in the comments!

H.R. Giger’s Tarot Cards: The Swiss Artist, Famous for His Design Work on Alien, Takes a Journey into the Occult: OMG Geiger made a Tarot deck!! Having recently found my old decks (Tarot of the Witches, the old trusty Rider Waite [fun facts about Pamela Colman Smith, who did the art for the RT deck]) and received another (Tarot of Atlantis) as a gift, I’m reminded that while I can’t read them (no weird chip, remember?) I do love the art. What are your favorites?

woman in beehive hairdo holding tarot card with a fool on it
Yes, that’s Jane Seymour in the Bond film “Live and Let Die” but no, that’s not one of Geiger’s designs (it’s from tarot of the Witches). More’s the pity as a Giger-designed Bond film could be hilarious. Courtesy the 007 Wikia

biweekly links 6-29-2016

Short one this week as I was out-of-town (wasn’t doing book research, but inadvertently found some anyway!) Enjoy:

The Fool card from the Rider Waite tarot deck
The Fool from the Rider-Waite tarot, courtesy Wikipedia.