How did it get to be June already?
How Tudor slander courts left us with some fabulous insults: nobody throws shade like an angry Tudor (see also here and here) but the offended gave as good as they got.
A story of survival: New York’s last remaining independent bookshops: having recently spent a pleasant hour in a new-to-me local(ish) used book store I’m reminded again why I love independent bookstores. Sanctuary and support of community are all well and good but there’s also the factor of serendipity – finding something you never knew existed, or never thought you’d find. Please feel free to share your own favorite indie bookstores in the comments!
H.R. Giger’s Tarot Cards: The Swiss Artist, Famous for His Design Work on Alien, Takes a Journey into the Occult: OMG Geiger made a Tarot deck!! Having recently found my old decks (Tarot of the Witches, the old trusty Rider Waite [fun facts about Pamela Colman Smith, who did the art for the RT deck]) and received another (Tarot of Atlantis) as a gift, I’m reminded that while I can’t read them (no weird chip, remember?) I do love the art. What are your favorites?