- The sci fi and fantasy genres jumped on serialized fiction awhile back, but with Julian Fellowes’s Belgravia and SerialBox’s Whitehall it seems historical fiction is finally getting in on the act. Looking forward to both and seeing if this presentation format proves popular.
- Hadn’t heard of Carlo Gesualdo until news about a one-man play about his life popped up in my Google alerts. Pity it’s not local – Gesualdo’s messy story of musical genius, vicious murder, and alleged sorcery is fantastic storytelling fuel!
- The seventeenth century shipwreck with incredibly well preserved clothing story has popped up everywhere on the costuming interwebs. Beautiful closeups are available at the Kaapskil museum site.
- Cornell University’s witchcraft collection is the largest in the world, and they’ve helpfully put 104 digitized books from the collection online.